[ Our identity ]

Our values

During the all years of our activity in the producing of decorative films,

our main goal is to move in the direction of creating and developing a beautiful world for loyal consumers and producing and supplying better quality products for our dear customers and applicants.

If you are a person who seeks to apply your experiences, knowledge and creativity towards the goals of Yektafilm Tabriz Industrial Group, we are looking forward to your warm presence in this group.

To view the site, go to the main page and to know more about the company, you can read the about us page.

Company application form

process of apply for a job in Yetta Film Tabriz

1 ___

complete application form

2 ___

Check your information

3 ___

invite you for an interview

4 ___

Financial agreements

5 ___

Matching specialized knowledge

6 ___

Get the job

اطلاعات شما با موفقیت ثبت شد!

اطلاعات شما ثبت گردید و بعد از بررسی، در صورت تایید جهت مصاحبه با شما تماس گرفته خواهد شد، باتشکر از همکاری شما…

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